Hail and hello!

The first post on a new blog is always a little awkward, but every good blog has to start somewhere. You have found Curiosity Unlocked, a place where I share all sorts of fun tidbits I encounter as I create awesome engineering and science classes for kids of all ages.

My name is Lindsey Nelson. I’m a mechanical engineer and engineering educator who lives in Washington, DC. Over the past several years, I’ve fallen in love with teaching kids in online. The online classroom is a different sort of teaching environment. When I literally have Google at my fingertips, I can pivot a class on a moment’s notice to follow the trail of real questions from real kids. I’ve learned so many awesome things, encountered tons of amazing ideas, and prepared lots of resources to make engineering come alive for the learners in front of me.

I look forward to sharing some of that journey with you as I start sharing more here. My plans are to share thoughts on teaching physics and engineering, true stories from engineering history, fun hands-on projects for kids, and other interesting news I encounter.

Tell me: What would you like to see in this space as I move forward?